Financial Wellness
Each person’s financial values, needs, and circumstances are unique. When you are struggling to pay for basic needs and find ways to support yourself, it can be difficult to also focus on courses, internships, research, or other dimensions of your life.
Many free and low-cost resources that can support your mental health and wellbeing are listed across this website. For example, if you are interested in free or low-cost outdoors activities, check out the environmental wellness page of this website. If you are interested in free or low-cost arts activities, visit the social wellness page or the emotional wellness page.
The information on this page focuses on resources that help you meet your material needs through free or low-cost pathways, as well as resources that provide direct financial assistance to aid students.

All Students (Undergraduates, Graduates and Professional Students)
The following resources are available to undergraduate, graduate, and professional students.
Undergraduate Students
Graduate and Professional Students