A Message from the Chief Health and Wellness Officer

To the Dartmouth community,

As I begin my second month at Dartmouth, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for warmly welcoming me and sharing your commitment to our community’s well-being. I’m excited to work with you—our exceptional students, faculty, and staff–to cultivate an environment that supports individual agency, identity, and purpose across campus. 

Together, we are taking action on Commitment to Care, our strategic plan for supporting student mental health and well-being. Many partners across campus have been working diligently to deliver on our vision of an inclusive, caring community where all our members can thrive. I look forward to sharing an update in the coming weeks on our progress toward the Commitment to Care goals.

Each of us plays a critical role in shaping the campus community through our actions every day. April is Sexual Assault Action Month, and I would like to spotlight opportunities for positive, inclusive action, which include serving as active bystanders who are prepared to recognize, prevent, and respond to violence in all its forms (verbal, emotional, physical, sexual). I personally stand in solidarity with survivors of sexual violence and reaffirm Dartmouth's commitment to end sexual violence on campus, and I hope that you will too. 

I invite you to take part in the community events and programs organized by the Student and Presidential Committee on Sexual Assault. These events create space to engage in dialogue and grow our understanding about this important issue. You can learn more about the month-long schedule, which launches this week with the following events open to all members of the Dartmouth community:

  • This evening, April 1, 7 p.m., Dartmouth Hall: Community Candlelight Vigil to show support for survivors of sexual and gender-based violence
  • Friday, April 5, 3-5 p.m., Collis Common Ground: Annual SPCSA symposium, where I’ll be joining President Beilock and other speakers, including student representatives

To our undergraduate students, I want to commend your active participation in the Sexual Violence Prevention Project (SVPP) curriculum. Through this groundbreaking initiative, you are developing the essential interpersonal skills and confidence necessary to prevent harmful behaviors and develop positive relationships. These skills will serve you well through your time at Dartmouth and beyond. For our first-years and sophomores, remember to sign up now for the Power, Equity, and Belonging and Resources and Support sessions through Darthub. 

In addition, our graduate and professional schools are building community awareness, student leadership, and models of active bystander behaviors through programs including the Tuck Mental Health and Wellness Initiative, Geisel’s Student Needs and Assistance Program, Thayer’s Student Support Services, and Guarini’s Graduate Student Council Resource Guide.

For all students in our community, if you or someone you know has experienced sexual violence, our campus resources are here to help and offer 24/7 support:

  • The Title IX Office provides guidance about sexual respect in our community, as well as resources, policies, and procedures for preventing and responding to sexual assault, sexual and gender-based harassment, and other forms of sexual misconduct. Get Help in an Emergency is a step-by-step guide for anyone affected by sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking.
  • The Health Service includes the Counseling Center, Primary Care, and the Nursing advice line, which is available 24/7 during fall, winter and spring terms: 603-646-9400.
  • The Tucker Center offers confidential counseling and spiritual guidance, as well as opportunities for meditation and reflection.
  • WISE is our community partner, available to all community members, providing confidential support and advocacy to survivors of violence at Dartmouth and in the surrounding area: 866-348-9473
  • Department of Safety and Security (DOSS) is available at all hours for emergency support and can connect to after-hours counseling and an on-call resource: 603-646-4000

As we collaborate to embed wellness in our fundamental educational mission, I especially want to recognize our faculty and staff for their dedication in creating Dartmouth’s vibrant learning and living environment. Your health and well-being are also important, and President Beilock and I recognize that Dartmouth has work to do in supporting your needs. As we commit to learning more about those needs and exploring what support may help to address concerns, I encourage you to explore the existing employee resources on Wellness at Dartmouth, which include these programs:

  • The Faculty/Employee Assistance Program provides free, confidential resources for staff, faculty, and household members, including counseling with our on-campus counselor, free access to legal and financial support, and assistance for other work-life challenges.
  • The One Medical at Dartmouth primary care practice, for employees and their adult dependents enrolled in a medical plan through Dartmouth (without HSA), is now accepting new patients.
  • Headspace, a mindfulness and meditation app, is available free to students, staff, and faculty.

Our community’s health and well-being are essential to fuel great creativity and innovative ideas. I appreciate your partnership in building this supportive and compassionate campus culture, and I look forward to our work together. 

Best wishes,

Estevan A. Garcia MD, DrPH, MPA, FAAP
Chief Health and Wellness Officer