Walking to the class in the fall

Our Strategic Plan

Commitment to Care is our new strategic plan for supporting student mental health and well-being. This plan defines goals and strategies, committing to both specific and immediate actions as well as long-term initiatives to assess and enhance the campus environment, physical infrastructure, and student support systems.

Revised Policy: Time Away for Medical Reasons

The revised policy protects the right of all students (graduate, professional, and undergraduate) to take time away for medical reasons, expands support and resources, and provides guidelines for Dartmouth to administer the policy consistently and equitably.

Mental Health Training

Last year, Dartmouth trained 441 faculty and staff on recognizing and responding to students experiencing different levels of distress ranging from early signs and symptoms to crisis (including suicide risk). 

New: Elimination of Fees for Overnight Observation

As part of Dartmouth's focus on promoting student health and well-being,  we will eliminate all fees related to overnight stays for intoxication or any other health-related issues. We hope this will help remove barriers that students may experience when seeking care. 


24/7 Support

Help is available any time day or night. Contact one of these resources if you or someone you know needs immediate help.